I am a closet blogger. This is a place where I share musings from my day, things I wonder about, things I feel strongly about or things I just feel like talking about. Also, this is where I share new things I have created.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Male Free Home

What to do when Hubby isn't home?
During the day,
 this is easy...
everything you usually do because Hubby isn't home during the day.

Me, I got up and made a batch of cinnamon rolls for the "BOYS",
 cooked a breakfast,
 fetched a few things,
 packed a bag with a malfunctioning pillow,
 and forgot to pack a towel.
Smiled, and waved, and sighed
 and off the "BOYS" went.
To George I went,
 gathering supplies for the "BOYS" for when they come home,
spent a bit of time wandering around
 looking at what I was interested in,
 at stores I don't usually go to,
 and came back home just in time to get Hope from school.

Actually, quite a lovely day,
 doing some things I like to do.
Put up my feet and relaxed for a bit,
 read in a book for a minute,
 looked at  the clock and
 got "cleaned" up.
Erica and Scarlet and I went to George.
  We left at 5.
  Stopped and got our toes done.
 Happy Mother's Day to me, thank you so very much Erica and family.
  My toes are now a nice deep red.  They are ready for my new sandals Hubby gave me for Mother's Day as well.
After toes, we went out to eat dinner,
 Erica was starving...
As we were finishing dinner it was an,
 "OK, now where do we want to go?" moment...
The list is endless,
 everywhere we don't like to take our children shopping.
  So, this was basically an Erica decision
 as the rest of our party was without children responsibility at the moment (Hope had 2 different evenings planned without us,
 unfortunately, both cancelled and she could have gone and played with us).
We went to Target`
 and to Old Navy.
 We were on our way to the mall
 when we realized 9:30 was a bit late.
   A quick stop for gas and
 another for salt and we were home.
  A night out with a few of my girls
 and home a bit after 10:30.

  I didn't even have to go to Vegas!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Temple Walk 2012

22 Mile Stroll

Yes, we did it, 22 miles through the barren dessert, through the sand, through the wind, through the dirt, through the town, and through the streets.  We walked in the dark lit by truck headlights, we walked led by flashlights and headlamps and Sister's voices.  We followed footprints in the dirt and watched for the porta pottie marking our passage.
We chatted, and discussed and commented ...and we thought.  We munched and crunched and trudged.  Some walked backward, some walked forward, some jogged and some jogged here and there.  Some sprinted to the finish line with smiles of joy on their faces.  And some, even rode for a bit.  But, all finished!

Who would have known what a fantastic experience this was to be?  The path was marked with signs telling us how much farther to the finish.  In between were thoughts, scriptures, and statistical facts.  All things to ponder on as we walked and watched  for the next marker.

It was interesting how we began to look forward to the porta pottie in the distance. This gave us a physical statement, we had accomplished another segment of the 22 mile stroll.  As we started in the dark, we had in our mind where we were heading, we had a vision of our end goal.  So we walked.  Just for fun we stopped and turned off our lights and looked at the night sky...we also looked directly around us and realized we were alone.  Beautiful night with Sister's voices murmuring in the distance.

Then a little more than half way we were rewarded with a vista, our goal was now in sight!

Some of us finished with blisters, some with killer knees, some with sore toes, and aching calves, and shins which would not quit.  Some were nonchalant in their aches and pains, and a few of us were without physical pain.  However, I feel all of us have an inward smile of "Yes, I did this".

As one sister commented, "You know, it's kind of like child birth....hard while you are doing it.  But, you kind of forget once you get there and can't wait to do it again."

