I am a closet blogger. This is a place where I share musings from my day, things I wonder about, things I feel strongly about or things I just feel like talking about. Also, this is where I share new things I have created.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Oh, how I love paint...
Paint is wonderful, it is amazing.
It can "clean up" most anything.
Paint covers fingerprints, dead bug guts, unneeded graffiti, oopsies and uuh ooh's, scrapes and drags...
It makes things look fresh and clean, and after the smell is gone, there really isn't a smell. Paint can and does hold odors, you know.
New Paint smells fantastic. It wipes out the "musty, dusty smell" a basement can have. Washing a wall can do this as well, sometimes.
But, there really isn't anything quite as awesome as fresh paint.

The other thing about fresh paint is...
you usually have to move everything to paint.
We can't paint around things very well...so
an opportunity to clean and tidy and arrange and sort and discard presents itself while you are painting. I mean how fun is it to put things back exactly the way they were? It isn't.
Fresh paint gives a space a fresh start...and if the space is having a fresh start shouldn't the things in the space also have a good cleaning so they can have a fresh start as well?
Even when you paint something as boring and unimportant as a hallway...
Paint is just wonderful.
I really like fresh paint.

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