I am a closet blogger. This is a place where I share musings from my day, things I wonder about, things I feel strongly about or things I just feel like talking about. Also, this is where I share new things I have created.

Friday, July 8, 2011

We have...

Amazing all of the things which can cause you to sit back and really evaluate your life. Sometimes, I think we are so busy doing "busy" stuff
we don't truly appreciate who we have in our lives.
We just know they will be there and never think twice about them...
You know what I mean, we have a family, a husband, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, cousins, grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, more cousins, a wife.
We have friends.
So, we are a blessed family.
We have.
We have so very much
and all of it is so very important to us, but do we appreciate how very important they are? Do we spend all of the time we can with them?
Do we take advantage? Are we just "bad weather" friends and family?
How much do we enjoy each other? How long since we last talked with them?
How much do we want to?
How much are we willing to put into what we have?

Imagine please, taking one person out of your family/friend list.
Would this change your perspective?
Would it change how you do things in your life?
Would you have regrets?
Or would it make a temporary difference, a difference for a bit of our lives,
but not a lasting one?
So perhaps this is just a "think about it" thought.
We have...and What if?

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