I am a closet blogger. This is a place where I share musings from my day, things I wonder about, things I feel strongly about or things I just feel like talking about. Also, this is where I share new things I have created.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Late night chats

I received a late night phone call last night. The house phone rings after ten and everyone looks at one another with a "what's happened?" look. Now, with the age of cell phones and texting this is truly not unusual. Facebook even contributes to late night calling. If someone is chatting/texting with you after ten, you know they are up or sleep texting...which I guess does happen occasionally.
However, back to my late night call.
I answered the phone with "emergency" on my mind to hear a small voice ask me
"who are you?"
Really a very variable question as there can be so many different answers...
mom, wife, grandmother, daughter, friend, granddaughter needless to say I responded with
"Who are you?"
My answer was quick, "Madison".
And once our "relationship to each other was established" she told me all about her day at Sea World and the fun things she saw and did. We discussed who was smarter and who didn't know quite as much, what cool new things she and her family got at Sea World, playing at the beach and chasing waves, and having a fun car trip experience. A trip is always so much more memorable when the car breaks down, children remember it forever. And never, ever let you forget it.
She informed me she was on her way back to the hotel where she was going to put on her pajamas and get her dolphin and go to bed. She seemed very excited about this prospect and told me she was sleeping on a sofa bed. I asked her which it really was and after some discussion it was decided the sofa really preferred being a sofa most and would be a bed only now and then.
I was rather tickled she wanted to share her day with me and then realized
this phone chat was fill in for the car ride home. Wonderful to hear how her "surprise" trip is unfolding and can't wait for another "fill in" phone call.

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