I am a closet blogger. This is a place where I share musings from my day, things I wonder about, things I feel strongly about or things I just feel like talking about. Also, this is where I share new things I have created.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Money is Money...

I recently read a post on FaceBook apologizing...
 for paying someone in dollar bills.

I am a firm believer in Money is Money.  Whether it happens to be dollars, hundreds, quarters or even the dreaded penny.  I have been to stores where you have to actually recount your change back to the cashier so they will take your "change" as payment.  Whatever happened to Money is Money?

We can look at money in so many different ways.  If you have none, a dollar bill is a treasure.  For some reason guys would rather pay for a 25 cent item with a five dollar bill, then they have 4 single dollar bills, and change.  The change is then carried home and dumped into the never ending change bucket, being saved hopefully for "something" special.  The singles might stay in their wallets, but most likely will not ever be spent.

Ladies, think about it...how often does your hubby count out the exact change to pay for something?
  Rarely, I think it has to do with the male ego.  Me...I am probably just the opposite, I am always trying to pay for everything with the smallest I have, if there is extra change floating around in my purse, I am wanting to spend it.  

Change is heavy and it hurts when you get hit with it, and it pulls your shoulders down when you are carrying it and it makes your purse break.  These are just a few of my whines about change.  

Think about dollar bills, come on just for a bit...If you have a 20 dollar bill in your wallet and you have 20 single dollar bills in your wallet and the item you are purchasing is 18 dollars what are you going to use to pay for it?  I can almost promise, not 18 single dollars.
  It takes a lot longer to count those single bills,
 they take up more space in your wallet as well. 
 You have seen those rolls of money people carry around?  You bet, single dollar bills with a couple of larger bills on top, just to look important.  
Today, I paid for my lunch with single dollar bills.  When I was done, I looked in my wallet and realized...
Gee, there isn't as much money in there as I thought there was.

A few years ago, I came to the conclusion...
Ten dollar bills weren't being made anymore...or there was hoarding or maybe a run on ten dollar bills.  For about three weeks, every time I paid for something I used a  20.  (Not normal for me, but I did have a plan).
  For those three weeks whatever change I received back was not a 10, I would get 2 fives or even 3 fives, but not a 10.
  I actually started asking for 10's.  I was certain there was a conspiracy to stop manufacturing 10's.  When I asked for a ten...
the clerk would look at me with a "dumb" look on their face.  (I secretly decided they had never learned to count by tens).  It was almost as if they didn't know how to change the "change" to include a ten, and then I would hear....
"ummmm, I really am kinda low on 10's, you don't mind do you?" 
 So much for my "what happened to the 10's quest".  Next time you are getting change, stop and look and wonder...could they have given me a different grouping of money?

Then I do sometimes think it could also be a "higher" plan from my children.   You know, they need some money for whatever it is they are doing, a 5 doesn't really cover the need, and no way are they going to be "embarrassed" by counting out a bunch of ones...
A 10 would do the job, but because of $10 hoarding, there is not $10 in your wallet, reluctantly....out comes a $20. 
 Bless it and smell it and touch it one last time because not only will it be the very last time it will be seen, there will never, ever appear a drop of change from that $20.  Definitely a teen age conspiracy.  

So perhaps not being able to count by tens is an act put on by all of the young cashiers in the country today to enable a larger bill to become available for all of their friends to enjoy?  Perhaps they split the profits or take turns in requesting or who knows.  Me, I think I would be thrilled to just have a dollar bill to treasure every now and again.

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