I am a closet blogger. This is a place where I share musings from my day, things I wonder about, things I feel strongly about or things I just feel like talking about. Also, this is where I share new things I have created.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Grumpy over business practices.

Why would a business readily sell a product they were aware had problems? What justification do they receive from an irate customer?
Needless to say, I am ticked. Now, I know I shouldn't get my heart rate up and I will need to be "ok" for when I go in to have my chat...but, good golly. If a particular business ever had a sales associate in the flooring/tiling department perhaps these things wouldn't happen. Not once have I actually chatted with an associate who belongs in the tile department. Does anyone (besides me) know how many hours I have invested in two aisles? Or how many trips?
After purchasing, then returning, and repurchasing thin set Tyler has spent "hours" getting ready to lay the tile. The result, a brittle, chalk like substance which is supposed to hold the tile in place until it is chiseled out. Nope, no way, the tile just "pops" right off. Grumpy you may ask? You bet, if the thin set I purchased needed an additive perhaps a sales associate should have said, "Oh, you need this with that", but no, the bag (which I read and so did Marlo) says if you want it stronger, why on earth would you want it stronger?, purchase an additive. The bag doesn't say "Will not work without additive", it says "for a stronger bond use this additive". Maybe if the tile were going on the ceiling or perhaps maybe even the wall... But the floor?
Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy...so now another trip to George after loading and unloading this lovely thin set which actually has to have an "additive" to work properly. If businesses had their "associates" knowledgeable life would be so much easier and
my project would be "done".

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