I am a closet blogger. This is a place where I share musings from my day, things I wonder about, things I feel strongly about or things I just feel like talking about. Also, this is where I share new things I have created.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cheesecakes come in pairs.

At my house Cheesecakes can be made singly or in pairs.
When working for an "event" I prefer pairs.
Pairs is faster for me, a bit more work doubling the recipe, but essentially the same time in the prep, oven, baking time, cooling time, freezing time, wrapping time, etc.
And I only have clean up duty once instead of twice.
When I am visiting with and taking an order from a client
I always tell them, pairs.
You need to choose (however many 1/2 of their total is) flavors.
This seems to me to be a fairly simple process.
If you want 30 cheesecakes total, I am going to ask you to choose 15 flavors of cake.
Easy right?
I would think so as well. However, not this time.
Three seemed to be their number.
"How about Turtle Pecan?" I would ask.
"Oh, that sounds wonderful, how about 3 of those?"
"I know I already ordered milk chocolate, but can I have another one?"
Yes, you got it...threes...
We had already discussed three didn't work, in oven, mixing, the whole thing...
needed to be pairs.
Saturday I decided to try to make 3's...
I managed to break the whip on my mixer,
had to pay very close attention as the mixer was also trying to overflow,
and guess what?
My oven can not hold three.
Two. Only Two. No matter how I shift the pans, Two.
Then I end up with a minimum of an hour and a half in the oven baking,
two more hours in the oven cooling,
another hour or so completing the cooling process before
I can even begin to start to reheat the oven.
And you know your right, the whole process all over again. This time however, I only net 1. Not two.
So, I can make fours and save a few.
Which will be very yummy later, but not necessarily cost effective right now.
Or do the waste time thing and only cook one.
How come people don't understand pairs/twos?

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